Guests 0 Guests 0 Adults , 0 L:Booking.Child.

Our bespoke

The Cambrian Hotel Adelboden Deluxe Room North 180701 050

A Night on Us

13 January-30 April 2025

Drink, Dine and Play... amongst the trees, peaks and stars of Adelboden.

Cambrian Smorgasbord Day2 6147 (2)

Ultimate Mini Break

06 January-31 March 2025

Experience the sunset from a local peak, followed by a snowshoe descent during the magical 'blue hour' that follows.

The Cambrian Hotel Adelboden P1024965

Holistic Resilience Retreat

03-06 April 2025

Reconnect with your Body, Mind and Spirit.

Cambrian Smorgasbord Day3 7086 (2) (Groß)

Coming Home

02-04 May 2025

Arriving at Your Inner Home. In Peace.